Camp ROMANIA is a European summer & winter educational experience for children and teens from Romania, but always ready to welcome kids from other countries. We offer more than a holiday of interesting and various activities combined with a language practising improvement programme. We do this while exposing the children to English language spoken in a fun and enriching environment. All these right in the heart of Romania – Transylvania!


We believe that by offering these programmes to children and British & English Language teaching staff, camp leaders and counselors, we are facilitating an area of education, which has grown largely developed up till now.

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DAD International UK Romania

DAD International UK Romania is a local non-profit charity organisation and since 2001 is, through the enrolled schools, the partner of the National Board for Education, Research and Youth, in organizing summer and winter camps projects.

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The team is more like a community, offering a very supportive network of friendly and flexible people who are happy to help any prospective volunteers, activity leaders and any other participants. We offer a dynamic programme and strive on a professional outlook within a relaxed environment.

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Resort Moeciu Centrul de Agrement Montan 'La Valtoare' Resort Fundata Colegiul Național Bilingv 'George Coșbuc' Eureka Center Reghin

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    Camp ROMANIA - Remember 2023